Sunday, May 24, 2015

Israel's 2015 Elections

Israel's 2015 elections on the 17th March 2015 were fascinating. PM Netanyahu had transiting Uranus opposing, and transiting Pluto squaring his natal Neptune. Also, the lunar eclipse on the 4th April was precisely conjunct his natal Neptune. So, Neptune was/is a huge focus in his chart.

Ugly truths played a major role in Netanyahu's win when he played on Jewish racism against Arabs to drum up support that enabled him to win at the last minute. He also surprisingly declared that there would never be a Palestinian state while he was leader of Israel. Many people already suspected that he had been insincere in his previously expressed desire for a two-state solution, and that he had concealed it over the years and merely pretended to work towards it.

Now he finds himself lumbered with an ultra-orthodox Jewish religious right-wing coalition government. It's a fascinating and still-unfolding political drama.,_2015

1 comment:

  1. The political partnerships that Netanyahu established during the formation of his coalition government are likely to unravel because of this intense focus at his natal South Node/Neptune conjunction in the 10th House Libra. Evolutionary forces are pushing him away from the South Node Libra towards the North Node Aries in his 4th House.
