Astrology & Tarot

Here are some of my writings on the topics of astrology and tarot...

A list of my astrology & tarot services

I have been offering these services for years. They are subject to change (although it's a rare occurrence).

Astrology & the Devas of the Planes

"The esoteric science of astrology describes the interaction between two fundamental principles: consciousness and form. The form principle is represented by the Deva (or Angelic) Hierarchy, and the consciousness principle, here on Earth, is represented by Humanity. So we can look at the metascience of astrology as portraying the dynamic relationship that exists between a human-being and the many angels that congregate around him, and that combine to form his physical expression and the local environment in which he lives."

The Malachim - Your Company of Angels

"The tropical zodiac represents a 'high frequency band' of planetary consciousness (necessarily including collective Human consciousness) that surrounds the Earth. It expresses the consciousness of the planetary Logos as well as all human souls/monads. The band of the zodiac defines the group-conscious 'environment' in which we exist when out of incarnation—i.e. when we are free of the subjective personality. This is explained astrologically by the fact that when we leave our physical body the circle of houses disappears and all that remains is the tropical zodiac (to which we return)."

Radian Astrology Research Project

"WESTERN astrology traditionally sees the zodiacal wheel of a horoscope as a flat two dimensional circle with the Earth located invisibly at the centre. Arranged around the circumference of the circle are the various natal planets. Their zodiacal positions are identified using the standard 360 degree division of the circle's circumference.

"This system is, of course, extremely useful and has been well-tested by astrologers throughout the Ages. It provides a means to profile the psychological characteristics of individuals, and it also enables us to predict significant events in a person's life. A radian-based approach to astrology builds upon these well-established foundations and adds another 'dimension' to chart delineation."

Radian Astrology Tables 

Radian Astrology - Radian Aspects

The Law of Equilibration

"There is operating within our world, a powerful evolutionary force that dominates most people's lives, both individually and at the collective level, but which is generally unknown. It's a fundamental principle that I refer to as the 'Law of Equilibration'.

Equilibration: "Stabilization by bringing into equilibrium."

"As each human-being comes to acknowledge the existence of this natural law and understand its implications he will most likely endeavor to change the way that he thinks, and re-educate himself in order to avoid its more challenging manifestations. This law is a major cause of war and conflict in our world, but it only functions as a natural response to the dark thought-forms generated by human-beings, and its raison d'etre is wholly good."

Graduating From Planet Earth  

"The Earth is a place for souls who need experience and training in the physical realm. It's a place for would-be creators to learn the ropes and participate in the process of divine co-Creation. But once committed, the Earth is a place we cannot leave until we have learned the lessons, developed the attributes, and overcome the challenges of living on the earth plane.

"One of the most difficult challenges we face here on Earth is the cultivation of the quality of 'non-attachment'. It's natural for us to become attached to material objects, physical circumstances and places, and human personalities. These things come to represent physical and emotional security in our lives. This is as natural as an infant's attachment to its mother (who is the eidolon of security in its young life). But for a child to grow and evolve it must eventually detach itself physically and emotionally (to a certain extent) from its mother. And so it is for human-beings in relation to our Mother Earth."

The Esoteric Solar System

"There is, encoded into the astronomical structure of our solar system, a map that describes the nature and development of life and consciousness as it evolves within and (eventually) beyond the existential confines of our local system towards more remote cosmic potentialities.

"The cosmic map consists of the series of nine orbital rings that radiate concentrically from the centrally located sun and that are described by the nine major planetary bodies that inhabit our system. The sun at the centre provides our original starting point so in fact we derive a total of ten successive steps on our cosmic evolutionary journey from the Sun to Pluto."

The Seven Major Aspects in Astrology

"The science of astrology uses seven major aspects (or angles) and these seven express themselves through twelve creative-evolutionary processes.

"The following system of aspect interpretation is based on the six axes of the zodiacal circle. With it an astrologer is able to put into clearer perspective the twelve creative-evolutionary processes that characterise the seven major aspects."

The Three Crosses of the Heavens

"The Tropical zodiac is composed of twelve signs arranged in the Heavens as three overlapping crosses (or squares). The signs can also be arranged as four triangles, but the square arrangement defines the major evolutionary challenges that are programmed into the energy matrix of our planet. The four elemental triangles (on the other hand) symbolize the easy flow of creative energies through the etheric body of the Earth."

The Twelve Year Spiral

"A very useful astrological technique that I often use in forecasting involves a system of repeating cycles of twelve years where each cycle consists of twelve clearly defined one-year periods. I usually use this system in conjunction with the Jacob's Wheel cycles (which latter also provide very accurate results)." 

Retrograde Planets - An Interpretation Guide

 "...while a planet is moving forward (i.e. is in direct motion) consciousness flows more strongly through the planet from within to without. But when a planet is moving in reverse (i.e. is in retrograde motion) the consciousness principle flows more strongly in the opposite direction—i.e. towards the planet from without to within."

Learning the Tarot

Tarot Reading Techniques - The Linear Layout

 Tarot Card Meanings - The Ten Planetary Trumps

Tarot Card Meanings - Two of Cups / Three of Swords

Tarot Card Meanings - Nine of Wands

Tarot Card Meanings - Ten of Wands

Tarogeddan - A Tarot Game

Tarto - A Tarot Game

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