Saturday, July 25, 2015

Radian Astrology - Radian Aspects

Radian Aspects

There are six radian aspects that you can test and experiment with...

1Radian = 57.29577951308233 (approx. 2 signs)
= 57° 17' 44.80625"

2Radian = 114.59155902616466 (approx. 3 signs)
= 114° 35' 29.61249"

3Radian = 171.88733853924699 (approx. 5 signs)
= 171° 53' 14.41874"

4Radian = 229.18311805232932 (approx. 7 signs)
= 229° 10' 59.22499"

5Radian = 286.47889756541165 (approx. 9 signs)
= 286° 28' 44.03124"

6Radian = 343.77467707849398 (approx. 11 signs)
= 343° 46' 28.83748"

[Important: These aspects are all measured anti-clockwise from the position of the natal planet... that is, in the direction of the normal order of the 12 Zodiacal Signs.]

[Note that: 7^3 = 343 (7 cubed). This numeric correspondence simply highlights the interesting relationship that exists between the 360° circle, the radian spiral, and the key number 7.]

Only six radians fit within the 360° circle. The seventh radian takes us into the second arc of the radian spiral...

7Radian = 401.07045659157631
= 401° 4' 13.64373"

The radian aspects are based on an infinite spiral form rather than a closed 360° circle... like the standard astrological aspects are. They are experimental, so have fun experimenting with them!


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Transiting Moon cnj Mercury cnj Mars opp Pluto

Transiting Moon cnj Mercury cnj Mars opp Pluto

Tonight/tomorrow, 16th July, 2015 (Australia time), there is a triple conjunction of the Moon, Mercury, and  Mars and all three of them oppose transiting Pluto. This potentially represents quite a powerful, aggressive, emotional expression of ideas.

This series of transits occurs in the 15th degree axis of Cancer and Capricorn. These are the Sabian Symbols for the 15th degrees.

Cancer 15° : In a sumptuous dining hall guests relax after partaking of a huge banquet.
Capricorn 15° : In a hospital, the children's ward is filled with toys.

Keep these symbols in mind as you observe any significant mundane events that occur tomorrow.

There is the possibility of some important family discussions or arguments during these transits. Pluto will push some of us to express normally suppressed thoughts and opinions in challenging circumstances. The object is to clear the air and overcome personal insecurities and fears that prevent us from speaking our truth and acting with courage and integrity.

But there might also be some strong troubling expressions of paranoia and unfounded fear in some cases. These transits are all about breaking through fear and gaining a more realistic perspective. Sometimes people are pushed into making extreme outbursts so that they can process the bewildered responses they receive from other people to their unrealistic fearful thinking.

(Note that the above is a very brief analysis of a complex series of transits. Please feel free to post your own observations.)


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Jacob's Wheel One-Week Cycles - Synchronicity

Jacob's Wheel One-Week Cycles - Synchronicity

Something I've noticed during my years (since 2001) of working with the Jacob's Wheel system of kabbalistic astrology...

When the Jacob's Wheel 1-week cycle expresses one of the twelve zodiacal archetypes it often happens that people who are of that particular Sun-sign feature in your life during that weekly cycle.

Not only does that tend to happen, but also when you get to certain 8-hour phases (of which there are a total of 21 in every JW cycle) there can be an extraordinary coincidence of zodiacal archetypes.

For example, I was recently in a JW Aries weekly cycle, during which an Aries friend, who I don't see very often, featured. As it happened, I met up with my Aries friend during the Aries-Capricorn [2/7] phase of the cycle. I am a Capricorn Sun-sign. So there we were, an Aries and a Capricorn, meeting together during my Aries-Capricorn phase of my Aries JW weekly cycle. (The 21 phases of the JW weekly cycle are each of 8 hours duration.)

I have noticed this kind of synchronicity to occur regularly during the Jacob's Wheel cycles.
