Thursday, July 9, 2015

Jacob's Wheel One-Week Cycles - Synchronicity

Jacob's Wheel One-Week Cycles - Synchronicity

Something I've noticed during my years (since 2001) of working with the Jacob's Wheel system of kabbalistic astrology...

When the Jacob's Wheel 1-week cycle expresses one of the twelve zodiacal archetypes it often happens that people who are of that particular Sun-sign feature in your life during that weekly cycle.

Not only does that tend to happen, but also when you get to certain 8-hour phases (of which there are a total of 21 in every JW cycle) there can be an extraordinary coincidence of zodiacal archetypes.

For example, I was recently in a JW Aries weekly cycle, during which an Aries friend, who I don't see very often, featured. As it happened, I met up with my Aries friend during the Aries-Capricorn [2/7] phase of the cycle. I am a Capricorn Sun-sign. So there we were, an Aries and a Capricorn, meeting together during my Aries-Capricorn phase of my Aries JW weekly cycle. (The 21 phases of the JW weekly cycle are each of 8 hours duration.)

I have noticed this kind of synchronicity to occur regularly during the Jacob's Wheel cycles.


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