Friday, June 26, 2015

Learning the Tarot

Learning the Tarot

The first step in learning the tarot is to memorize some basic meanings, but the real learning starts when you begin conducting readings for other people... especially for people who you don't know.

When you do a tarot reading for somebody you know quite well you might find that it's very difficult to be accurate in your interpretation of the cards. The reason for this is that your mind (mental body) is already filled with preconceived ideas and judgments about that person. This web of subjective ideas in the mental body blocks the flow of the spiritual intuition (which is a faculty of consciousness located 'above' the mental body). The spiritual intuition is a more objective form of awareness, but it cannot penetrate or influence a mind that is already filled with subjective preconceptions about a particular person.

When you begin practicing tarot readings the cards will teach you their meanings themselves during the tarot readings you do for other people. In my experience, the 'right' cards always come out, but sometimes they are difficult to interpret due to the personal limitations of the tarot reader.

The tarot cards have esoteric, psychological, and mundane meanings. The mundane meanings are very useful during a reading because they reflect the mundane affairs of the client. They give you a physical starting-point from which you can then start talking about the more psychological aspects of the client's situation. The mundane meanings of the cards, when you have discovered them, add a 'wow factor' to your readings as well. You can really surprise your client with some accurate statements about their physical life circumstances when you know the mundane meanings of the cards.


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