Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Human vs Logos

The eight hour / four month correspondence represents the higher and lower range of the major Jacob's Wheel cycles.

The longer range 147 year major cycle (logos) is equivalent to the shorter range 21 Week major cycle (human).

The 147 year major cycle (logos) consists of 21 minor 7 year cycles.
The 21 week major cycle (human) consists of 21 minor 1 week cycles.

A 7 Year minor cycle (logos) consists of 21 four month sequential phases.
A 7 Day minor cycle (human) consists of 21 eight hour sequential phases

The 7 Day (1 Week) minor cycle of Jacob's Wheel is closely associated with the mundane life of a human-being. Therefore...

The 7 Year minor cycle of Jacob's Wheel is closely associated with the mundane life of the planetary logos.

After I surmised the above correspondences I realized that the number of days in an average human life was equivalent to the number of years in the Precession of the Equinox cycle--that is, 26280 days (i.e. approx. 72 years of human life) is equivalent to 26280 years of planetary logos life.

As above, so below.

There are three 8 hour phases in every day of the 1 week (human) cycle.

There are three 4 month phases in every year of the 7 year (logos) cycle.

One week of human life is equivalent to seven years of planetary logos life.


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