Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Signs on House Cusps

Signs on House Cusps

Have you ever wondered what is the significance of the zodiacal sign on the cusp of a house versus the zodiacal sign that occupies the rest of the same house?

In my experience, the sign on the cusp of a house represents what needs to evolve in the consciousness of the individual before the other sign(s) in the same house can manifest its full potential. The sign on the cusp is most easily expressed, but also tends to be expressed in an un-evolved form until it has been redeemed.

So, for example, let's say your Ascendant degree is 25 Cancer, which means that you have 5 degrees (i.e. degrees 25 to 30) of Cancer in your 1st house and then some of the sign Leo filling the rest of the 1st house.

This means that initially you might have some emotional attachments and insecurities that prevent you from fully expressing your Leo in the 1st house. It would normally be your tendency to become involved in security-based relationships that would hinder your full Leo expression, and it's not until you have overcome the "negative" Self-limiting influence of Cancer Rising that your Leo is able to shine its creative Self-expressive light through your being.

And the other houses can be interpreted using this methodology also.


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