Monday, September 21, 2015

Tarot Card Meanings - Two of Cups & Three of Swords

Two of Cups & Three of Swords

Based on my own practical experience of the Tarot, the Two of Cups and the Three of Swords can be interpreted as complementary opposites.

The Two of Cups often comes up when two people meet each other for the first time and there's an immediate strong mutual attraction. It represents pure heart-felt desire that conforms to no fixed boundaries, limiting mental conditioning, or belief systems, or established social conventions, or 'morality'. It comes straight from the heart and knows no bounds. And therein lies a potential challenge.

The challenge is whether or not the two individuals' mundane circumstances, conditioned personal mind-sets, and social positions are able to accommodate the development of an intimate 'relationship'. If not there may be great frustration and sadness.

The Three of Swords emphasizes the purely mundane elements of a relationship. When it comes up in a reading there is the chance that a separation will occur because of the mundane aspects surrounding the relationship. For example, the two people might discover that they have very different belief systems, or ideas about 'relationships', or that their lifestyles are incompatible. In cases such as these, if the relationship is to survive it must resolve the mental or physical conflicts and therefore evolve into a new mundane form.

Note: Sometimes, but not always, the Three of Swords reversed represents a couple getting back together after a separation.

Your comments are welcome.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tarot Card Meanings - Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

In my practical experience, and this differs to the conventional interpretation of the card, the Ten of Wands represents a "road-block" or "boom-gate" that stands in the way of you accomplishing a goal. The good news is that the "road-block" is only temporary and is eventually removed so that further progress towards the goal can be made.

If the card is reversed it means that the "boom-gate" is being raised so that you can continue to move forward.

An example: A client was in process of completing a bridging course that would then allow them to be accepted into university for a degree course. The bridging course was a necessary prerequisite for the degree that they dearly wanted to do.

This meaning seems to be related to the card's astrological correspondence of Saturn in Sagittarius.

Another example: A person is required to spend some time in prison in order to learn how to behave acceptably in society. If the Ten of Wands is reversed it means that they are about to be released from their confinement.

Another good example of the mundane meaning of the Ten of Wands occurred in a tarot reading I did yesterday (9-Sep-2015). The Ten of Wands was tabled and it turned out that the client was trying to sell a property she owned, but before she could sell it she had to have the plumbing fixed/replaced which is quite a big job. This is another good example of how the Ten of Wands often represents the necessary preliminary work that has to be done before we are able to move forward and accomplish the main goal.

Your comments are welcome.


Monday, August 31, 2015

Tarot Reading Techniques - The Linear Layout

The Linear Layout

I've found that the simple "linear layout" is a wonderful tool for reading the tarot. It's the layout that I use most often in my tarot readings.

It consists of a simple open-ended row of tarot-cards. If the table space is too small then I bend the row of cards around as needed.

There is no consistent number of cards tabled during a linear layout. I stop putting down cards when the meaning starts to get foggy. I believe the reason for this fogginess is that the further into the future you go the less certain things become. The near future is easier to predict because decisions have already been made and a train of events has been set in motion. But the far future depends on many variables that the client has no knowledge of yet because certain events haven't occurred. So it's important to stop tabling cards and end the layout when you reach that "fogginess point".

The cards in the linear layout correspond to a sequence of events, but some of the cards at the beginning of the layout might represent events that have already occurred, and that are therefore in the past. It's important to determine where the client is at present in the card sequence. This is usually fairly easy to determine by questioning the client.

One of the benefits of doing linear layouts for yourself is that once you have determined where you are presently located in the layout then you can follow the remaining sequence of events as they occur into the future. And this means that you may not need to perform follow-up readings about the same question.

Determining the timing of events is also possible when you use the linear layout. Simply count where a particular event-card occurs in the linear sequence of cards and that number gives you a clue to the timing of the event. The number might represent days, weeks, or months, or a day of a month.

For example, if the Queen of Cups turns up in the 8th place then the woman she represents may appear in 8 days, or 8 weeks, or 8 months, or the 8th of a month.


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Radian Astrology - Radian Aspects

Radian Aspects

There are six radian aspects that you can test and experiment with...

1Radian = 57.29577951308233 (approx. 2 signs)
= 57° 17' 44.80625"

2Radian = 114.59155902616466 (approx. 3 signs)
= 114° 35' 29.61249"

3Radian = 171.88733853924699 (approx. 5 signs)
= 171° 53' 14.41874"

4Radian = 229.18311805232932 (approx. 7 signs)
= 229° 10' 59.22499"

5Radian = 286.47889756541165 (approx. 9 signs)
= 286° 28' 44.03124"

6Radian = 343.77467707849398 (approx. 11 signs)
= 343° 46' 28.83748"

[Important: These aspects are all measured anti-clockwise from the position of the natal planet... that is, in the direction of the normal order of the 12 Zodiacal Signs.]

[Note that: 7^3 = 343 (7 cubed). This numeric correspondence simply highlights the interesting relationship that exists between the 360° circle, the radian spiral, and the key number 7.]

Only six radians fit within the 360° circle. The seventh radian takes us into the second arc of the radian spiral...

7Radian = 401.07045659157631
= 401° 4' 13.64373"

The radian aspects are based on an infinite spiral form rather than a closed 360° circle... like the standard astrological aspects are. They are experimental, so have fun experimenting with them!


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Transiting Moon cnj Mercury cnj Mars opp Pluto

Transiting Moon cnj Mercury cnj Mars opp Pluto

Tonight/tomorrow, 16th July, 2015 (Australia time), there is a triple conjunction of the Moon, Mercury, and  Mars and all three of them oppose transiting Pluto. This potentially represents quite a powerful, aggressive, emotional expression of ideas.

This series of transits occurs in the 15th degree axis of Cancer and Capricorn. These are the Sabian Symbols for the 15th degrees.

Cancer 15° : In a sumptuous dining hall guests relax after partaking of a huge banquet.
Capricorn 15° : In a hospital, the children's ward is filled with toys.

Keep these symbols in mind as you observe any significant mundane events that occur tomorrow.

There is the possibility of some important family discussions or arguments during these transits. Pluto will push some of us to express normally suppressed thoughts and opinions in challenging circumstances. The object is to clear the air and overcome personal insecurities and fears that prevent us from speaking our truth and acting with courage and integrity.

But there might also be some strong troubling expressions of paranoia and unfounded fear in some cases. These transits are all about breaking through fear and gaining a more realistic perspective. Sometimes people are pushed into making extreme outbursts so that they can process the bewildered responses they receive from other people to their unrealistic fearful thinking.

(Note that the above is a very brief analysis of a complex series of transits. Please feel free to post your own observations.)


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Jacob's Wheel One-Week Cycles - Synchronicity

Jacob's Wheel One-Week Cycles - Synchronicity

Something I've noticed during my years (since 2001) of working with the Jacob's Wheel system of kabbalistic astrology...

When the Jacob's Wheel 1-week cycle expresses one of the twelve zodiacal archetypes it often happens that people who are of that particular Sun-sign feature in your life during that weekly cycle.

Not only does that tend to happen, but also when you get to certain 8-hour phases (of which there are a total of 21 in every JW cycle) there can be an extraordinary coincidence of zodiacal archetypes.

For example, I was recently in a JW Aries weekly cycle, during which an Aries friend, who I don't see very often, featured. As it happened, I met up with my Aries friend during the Aries-Capricorn [2/7] phase of the cycle. I am a Capricorn Sun-sign. So there we were, an Aries and a Capricorn, meeting together during my Aries-Capricorn phase of my Aries JW weekly cycle. (The 21 phases of the JW weekly cycle are each of 8 hours duration.)

I have noticed this kind of synchronicity to occur regularly during the Jacob's Wheel cycles.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Tarot Card Meanings - The Ten Planetary Trumps

Tarot Card Meanings - The Ten Planetary Trumps

There are ten major cards in the Tarot that correspond with the ten astrological planets.

The seven inner planets are ascribed as follows...

Sun = Sun
Moon = Moon
Mercury = Magician
Venus = Empress
Mars = Tower
Jupiter = Wheel of Fortune
Saturn = World

A variant occurs in the traditional Order of the Golden Dawn assignments. Decks that are derived from the Golden Dawn tarot attributions usually have the astrological Moon assigned to the High Priestess major card, and the sign Pisces assigned to the Moon card. I believe that this is an unfortunate error.

It makes more sense to me to assign Pisces to the High Priestess, and the astrological Moon to the Moon card. After all, the astrological Sun is assigned to the Sun tarot card. Why wouldn't the astrological Moon be assigned to the Moon card?

The sign Pisces also fits very nicely with the symbolism of the High Priestess - the 'Revealer of Mysteries'.

The three outer planets are assigned as follows...

Uranus = Fool
Neptune = Hanged Man
Pluto = Judgment

Originally, these cards were given the three elemental attributions: Air, Water, and Fire. And these attributions are still relevant and appropriate, but when the three elements were originally assigned to the tarot trumps the three outer planets were not yet discovered.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Tarot Card Meanings - Nine of Wands

Tarot Card Meanings - Nine of Wands

The 9 of Wands is a directional card (i.e. Sagittarius). It represents a push forward in a direction, or towards a purpose, that is only gradually becoming conscious.

To achieve the purpose of the 9 of Wands (i.e. to take the next step on your Soul Path) requires that the personal emotional attachments, blockages, insecurities, and fears (represented by the Moon) be overcome by the growing inner spiritual force of the soul (i.e. represented by the Sun).

When the 9 of Wands is reversed it sometimes means that a person is traveling back towards where they have come from... 'going home', for example. In mundane matters, this is not necessarily a 'negative' step - other cards tabled close to the 9 of Wands in the layout will indicate the outcome of the 'return'.


(Note: I am taking a patchwork approach to the tarot card meanings. And I will be adding further elaborations on their meanings in the future. If you would like to add your own observations about this card, please do.)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Learning the Tarot

Learning the Tarot

The first step in learning the tarot is to memorize some basic meanings, but the real learning starts when you begin conducting readings for other people... especially for people who you don't know.

When you do a tarot reading for somebody you know quite well you might find that it's very difficult to be accurate in your interpretation of the cards. The reason for this is that your mind (mental body) is already filled with preconceived ideas and judgments about that person. This web of subjective ideas in the mental body blocks the flow of the spiritual intuition (which is a faculty of consciousness located 'above' the mental body). The spiritual intuition is a more objective form of awareness, but it cannot penetrate or influence a mind that is already filled with subjective preconceptions about a particular person.

When you begin practicing tarot readings the cards will teach you their meanings themselves during the tarot readings you do for other people. In my experience, the 'right' cards always come out, but sometimes they are difficult to interpret due to the personal limitations of the tarot reader.

The tarot cards have esoteric, psychological, and mundane meanings. The mundane meanings are very useful during a reading because they reflect the mundane affairs of the client. They give you a physical starting-point from which you can then start talking about the more psychological aspects of the client's situation. The mundane meanings of the cards, when you have discovered them, add a 'wow factor' to your readings as well. You can really surprise your client with some accurate statements about their physical life circumstances when you know the mundane meanings of the cards.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Tarot Reading Techniques - Direction/Location

Tarot Reading Techniques - Direction/Location

If you ever need to determine a geographic direction or location during a reading, here is a method that I've used...

For example, if a tarot reading suggests a move of house, and the client would like to know where they are likely to move, then take note of the card that indicates the move in the reading. This card might be the Ace of Disks, or the Four of Disks, for example. (I use the Thoth Tarot deck.) It will be one (or more) of the cards that have already been tabled.


Gather up the tabled cards and give the deck to the client to shuffle.

Then take the deck and start tabling cards in relation to the various points of a compass: N, NE, E, SE, S, etc.

Keep tabling the cards in a cycle around the compass points until the key 'move' card appears. This will indicate the direction of the move.


If you wish to determine distance to the location, then gather up the cards and ask the client to shuffle the deck again. Then take the deck and start tabling cards in a straight row(s) left to right until the key 'move' card appears. Then count how many cards have been tabled. The 'magic' number will represent kilometers.

Of course, the tarot is not an exact science, and the future is somewhat changeable, but it's worth a try!


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Jeb Bush - Astrology Chart

Jeb Bush - Astrology Chart

The United States presidential election of 2016 is expected to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

Jeb Bush is a contender for President. He has some major transits that suggest he will not be successful, however.

Transiting Pluto (4th House) opposite natal Uranus (10th House) (5 hits). The first exact alignment was on 4th March, 2015. The final hit is on 20th October, 2016. (This will be the critical hit.) 10th House related transits generally involve issues of leadership, and developments concerning life-purpose.

Jeb Bush also has transiting Uranus (8th House) opposing natal Neptune (2nd House) during this time. The middle hit of three is on the 10th September, 2016. This will contribute to his decision next year to, I think, pull out of the presidential race. It looks like there'll be some kind of business scandal, or financial crisis.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Tarot Reading Techniques - The Link

The Spiritual Link

An important part of my procedure when conducting a tarot reading is to strengthen the 'psychic link' that exists between me and the client. I achieve this as follows:

While the client is shuffling the tarot cards and thinking about their question I visualize a ball of white Light above our heads. This Light represents the One Unifying Spirit.

From the ball of white Light above us descends two rays of white Light - one that descends into the Heart/Soul of the client, and one that descends into my own Heart/Soul. I see these Heart/Soul points as globes of golden light.

I then also visualize a ray of golden Light extending between myself and my client linking our Heart/Souls together. This golden ray forms the base of the Triangle of Light.

My linking visualization symbolizes and reinforces the already existing connection that exists between my Soul and the Soul of the client. It aims to bring our higher 'super-conscious' spiritual connection into consciousness so that a more meaningful interpretation of the tarot cards can occur.

Another very essential part of establishing an effective psychic link with my client is to silently and sincerely entreat my Solar Angel, (i.e. Soul, or Higher Self) to guide me in my interpretations of the tarot cards so that my reading will be of utmost service to my client.


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Tarot Reading Techniques - Timing

Tarot Reading Techniques - Timing

I have two approaches to determining the timing of events indicated in a tarot-reading...

1) Future astrological transits that reflect the astrological correspondences of the tarot cards. So, for example, if the Tower card comes up in a reading about the future I look for major transits to natal Mars in the client's astrological birth-chart. (The Tower is equivalent to Mars.) Astrological transits provide specific dates and general time-periods when significant events are likely to occur.

If the clients astrological transit list is not available then I choose the second option...

2) Tarot card positions. My method is as follows: After I have tabled all the cards that I feel are necessary in a reading, and have interpreted them to the client, I gather up the cards and hand the deck to the client. I ask the client to shuffle while we think about the question of the timing of particular events. Then I take the deck and start tabling cards in straight rows left-to-right. I keep tabling cards until some of the cards of the previous reading start appearing. I look specifically for the card(s) that previously indicated major future events (eg. the Tower if it came up in the reading). If it doesn't appear after about 30 cards are tabled I give up and say that the tarot will not reveal the timing of events in this instance. But if it does appear somewhere in the row(s) of cards, I count the cards from the first card I tabled to determine what numerical position the "event card" has in the sequence. I then interpret the 'magic number' as 'days', 'weeks', 'months', or 'years' until the event occurs.

Also, sometimes the 'magic number' signifies a date. So, for example, if the number is 11, it might refer to the 11th day of a particular month in the future.

Do you have a special technique you use for 'timing' that you'd like to share?


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Astrological Coincidences

Astrological Coincidences

It's often the case that I notice a coincidence between astrological events and Jacob's Wheel phases. Here's a good recent example:

SA Progressed Uranus (12th House)  Square  Sun (3rd House) - 15 Jun 2015
Transiting Uranus (6th House)  Square  Sun (3rd House) - 28 Jun 2015

The coincidence of progressed Uranus square my natal Sun, and transiting Uranus square my natal Sun in the same month is quite impressive by itself, but having also a Uranus-Sun Jacob's Wheel phase occur on the same day as the Uranus progression adds to the novelty factor.

One-day Jacob's Wheel phase: Uranus-Sun [2/6] - 15 Jun 2015

I'm continually amazed at the 'magical' synchronous link that exists between traditional Western astrology and the Jacob's Wheel system of kabbalistic astrology.

If you're just starting out exploring Jacob's Wheel I recommend installing my free JW 8-hour Calculator...

JW 8-Hour Phase Calculator

Here's a link to my JW software folder...

JW Software Folder


Monday, June 15, 2015

Tarot Reading Techniques - The Shuffle

Tarot Reading Techniques - The Shuffle

At the beginning of a tarot-reading I fan the cards out face-down in a row on the table in front of the client and ask him/her to select 7 cards.

I then gather up the deck and insert the 7 chosen cards randomly back into the deck in reverse (upside-down).

Then I ask the client to shuffle the cards while thinking about a question or issue.

Then I take the deck and start tabling and interpreting the cards.

I think it's a good idea to reverse some cards in the deck because reversed cards teach you new card meanings. If you become stuck during a reading on what a reversed card means then simply interpret it as if it were in its normal upright state. You'll often find that the reversed meaning will suddenly occur to you as you're describing the card's normal upright meaning. If you don't receive an intuition about the reversed meaning, that's OK too, simply stick with the upright meaning and move on to the next card. (Sometimes, the meaning will occur to you later during the reading after some more cards are tabled.)

Note: Reversed cards are not "negative". The meanings change subtly in some way, however. In fact, none of the tarot cards are "negative". Some of the cards simply express significant challenges that need to be overcome.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Astrology & Tarot Tuition at Pushkar

Astrology & Tarot Tuition at Pushkar

I'm pleased to announce that I'm now offering personal tuition in astrology and the tarot.

The venue is Pushkar in Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia.

Each tuition session costs $50 for 45 minutes, and is recorded live to CD or MP3. Bring a friend and the cost is $40 each. There is a maximum of two students per session.

I look forward to meeting you.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Signs on House Cusps

Signs on House Cusps

Have you ever wondered what is the significance of the zodiacal sign on the cusp of a house versus the zodiacal sign that occupies the rest of the same house?

In my experience, the sign on the cusp of a house represents what needs to evolve in the consciousness of the individual before the other sign(s) in the same house can manifest its full potential. The sign on the cusp is most easily expressed, but also tends to be expressed in an un-evolved form until it has been redeemed.

So, for example, let's say your Ascendant degree is 25 Cancer, which means that you have 5 degrees (i.e. degrees 25 to 30) of Cancer in your 1st house and then some of the sign Leo filling the rest of the 1st house.

This means that initially you might have some emotional attachments and insecurities that prevent you from fully expressing your Leo in the 1st house. It would normally be your tendency to become involved in security-based relationships that would hinder your full Leo expression, and it's not until you have overcome the "negative" Self-limiting influence of Cancer Rising that your Leo is able to shine its creative Self-expressive light through your being.

And the other houses can be interpreted using this methodology also.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Mercury Retrograde Strikes Again

Mercury Retrograde Strikes Again

Here's a good example of how the Mercury Retrograde period can coincide with a "false start". It's advisable to try and avoid beginning major endeavors during the Mercury Retrograde period because those beginnings tend to be premature (in relation to "perfect divine timing"). The plane took off on Saturday, 30th May, 2015. The current Mercury retrograde period is from 19th May to 12th June, 2015.

Sun-powered Solar Impulse 2 plane lands in Japan due to bad weather, delaying round-the-world voyage

Tarogeddon - A Tarot Game

Tarogeddon - A Tarot Game

Here's another tarot game I'm working on. It needs further play-testing, and the Mercury Retrograde period is a good time to do it.

This game is for fun, rather than "tarot learning", but to play it you do need to know the difference between the major and minor cards and the court cards.

Please let me know what you think, and please offer any suggestions for changes (if you have any).

Here are the rules, etc...

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Radian Astrology - John Nash

Radian Astrology - John Nash

Another example of how radian astrology works...

"John Forbes Nash, Jr. (June 13, 1928 – May 23, 2015) was an American mathematician with fundamental contributions in game theory, differential geometry, and partial differential equations.Nash's work has provided insight into the factors that govern chance and decision making inside complex systems in daily life.

"His theories are used in economics, computing, evolutionary biology, artificial intelligence, accounting, computer science (minimax algorithm which is based on Nash Equilibrium), games of skill, politics and military theory. Serving as a Senior Research Mathematician at Princeton University during the latter part of his life, he shared the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with game theorists Reinhard Selten and John Harsanyi. In 2015, he was awarded the Abel Prize for his work on nonlinear partial differential equations. John Nash has an Erdos number 3, according to the American Mathematical Society.

"In 1959, Nash began showing clear signs of mental illness, and spent several years at psychiatric hospitals being treated for paranoid schizophrenia. After 1970, his condition slowly improved, allowing him to return to academic work by the mid-1980s. His struggles with his illness and his recovery became the basis for Sylvia Nasar's biography, A Beautiful Mind, as well as a film of the same name starring Russell Crowe.

"On May 23, 2015, Nash and his wife, Alicia Nash, while riding in a taxi, were killed in a motor vehicle accident in New Jersey." Wikipedia

John Nash's natal Sun and Pluto are both aligned with the 1st arc, but also with the 9th arc of the ascending radian spiral. The strength of Neptune gave him an uncommon focus in esoteric realms of consciousness, but also a difficulty in being grounded within the material plane. A powerful Jupiter and Uranus gifted him with access to innovative knowledge and ideas.

Radian Astrology - Barack Obama

Radian Astrology - Barack Obama

"Radian Astrology" measures the positions of planets in an astrology chart based on their proximity to the natural radian points on an ascending spiral.

The alignment of the planets with the radian spiral tells us the "radian power" of the planets. The radian power of a planet indicates the amount of energy directed towards the expression of that planet. It shows us where the main emphasis will be during the current life of the entity.

For example...

The radian power of Barack Obama's planets are as follows...

His most powerful planets are in the 7th, 9th, and 10th arcs of the radian spiral. I've shifted his Saturn up to the higher radian 'octave' because I have found that often planets that align with the 1st arc of the radian spiral are actually aligned with the higher octave arc of the spiral.

The combined power of his Uranus, Mercury, and Saturn, has enabled him to use the technology of the internet to spread his ideas (Uranus/Mercury), and ultimately, to become President of the USA (Saturn).

The numbers in white indicate the positional alignment of the planet on the ascending radian spiral. There are 44 positions (0-43) on each arc of the spiral. The spiral is infinite, but we usually only consider the first ten arcs.

Radian Astrology Link

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Jacob's Wheel : World Taurus Cycle Phases

Jacob's Wheel : The Seven-Year Taurus Cycle

Twenty-One Phases

Minor Cycle #7 : Taurus (7-years)
(7th Sept. 2015 to 7th Sept. 2022)
4-month Phases of Taurus Cycle:
21. Taurus-Pluto [3/7].......7th May 2022 to 7th Sept. 2022
20. Taurus-Uranus [3/6]..........7th Jan. 2022 to 7th May 2022
19. Taurus-Jupiter [3/5]........7th Sept. 2021 to 7th Jan. 2022
18. Taurus-Aries [3/4]..........7th May 2021 to 7th Sept. 2021
17. Taurus-Moon [3/3].........7th Jan. 2021 to 7th May 2021
16. Taurus-Saturn [3/2]........7th Sept. 2020 to 7th Jan. 2021
15. Taurus-Mars [3/1].......7th May 2020 to 7th Sept. 2020

14. Taurus-Venus [2/7].....7th Jan. 2020 to 7th May 2020
13. Taurus-Capricorn [2/6]...7th Sept. 2019 to 7th Jan. 2020
12. Taurus-Sagittarius [2/5].......7th May 2019 to 7th Sept. 2019
11. Taurus-Scorpio [2/4].......7th Jan. 2019 to 7th May 2019
10. Taurus-Mercury [2/3]........7th Sept. 2018 to 7th Jan. 2019
09. Taurus-Pisces [2/2]......7th May 2018 to 7th Sept. 2018
08. Taurus-Aquarius [2/1].........7th Jan. 2018 to 7th May 2018

07. Taurus-Neptune [1/7].........7th Sept. 2017 to 7th Jan. 2018
06. Taurus-Libra [1/6]...........7th May 2017 to 7th Sept. 2017
05. Taurus-Sun [1/5].........7th Jan. 2017 to 7th May 2017
04. Taurus-Virgo [1/4]...........7th Sept. 2016 to 7th Jan. 2017
03. Taurus-Leo [1/3]........7th May 2016 to 7th Sept. 2016
02. Taurus-Cancer [1/2]........7th Jan. 2016 to 7th May 2016
01. Taurus-Gemini [1/1]........7th Sept. 2015 to 7th Jan. 2016 ===========================================

Jacob's Wheel - World Master Cycle

Jacob's Wheel - World Master Cycle (147 Year)

The following table lists the 21 seven-year cycles of the World's (i.e. Collective Humanity's) current 147 year master cycle. The sequence begins at the bottom of the table because it represents a process of evolution. We are about to transition into the Taurus cycle for the first time in 147 years.

The Jacob's Wheel Master Cycle

JW World Calendar Master Cycle (147-years)
(7th Sept. 1973 to 7th Sept. 2120)

Twenty-one 7-year Cycles:
21. ♏.Scorpio.......7th Sept. 2113 to 7th Sept. 2120
20. ♑.Capricorn.....7th Sept. 2106 to 7th Sept. 2113
19. ♒.Aquarius......7th Sept. 2099 to 7th Sept. 2106
18. ☿.Mercury.......7th Sept. 2092 to 7th Sept. 2099
17. ♐.Sagittarius...7th Sept. 2085 to 7th Sept. 2092
16. ♀.Venus.........7th Sept. 2078 to 7th Sept. 2085
15. ♓.Pisces........7th Sept. 2071 to 7th Sept. 2078

14. ♍.Virgo.........7th Sept. 2064 to 7th Sept. 2071
13. ♌.Leo...........7th Sept. 2057 to 7th Sept. 2064
12. ♋.Cancer........7th Sept. 2050 to 7th Sept. 2057
11. ♊.Gemini........7th Sept. 2043 to 7th Sept. 2050
10. ♆.Neptune.......7th Sept. 2036 to 7th Sept. 2043
09. ♎.Libra.........7th Sept. 2029 to 7th Sept. 2036
08. ☉.Sun...........7th Sept. 2022 to 7th Sept. 2029

07. ♉.Taurus........7th Sept. 2015 to 7th Sept. 2022
06. ♈.Aries.........7th Sept. 2008 to 7th Sept. 2015<==
05. ♂.Mars..........7th Sept. 2001 to 7th Sept. 2008
04. ♃.Jupiter.......7th Sept. 1994 to 7th Sept. 2001
03. ♄.Saturn........7th Sept. 1987 to 7th Sept. 1994
02. ♅.Uranus........7th Sept. 1980 to 7th Sept. 1987
01. ☽.Moon..........7th Sept. 1973 to 7th Sept. 1980 ===========================================

Jacob's Wheel - World Taurus Cycle

Jacob's Wheel - World Taurus Cycle

[This was written by me back in October, 2008. The original web-page is: Article Link]

The "harbinger" of our upcoming new seven-year Taurus cycle was the first phase of the current Aries cycle... the Aries-Taurus [1/1] phase.

Aries-Taurus [1/1] Phases (4 months)
7-Sept-1861 -to- 7-Jan-1862
7-Sept-2008 -to- 7-Jan-2009

Significantly, during the current Aries-Taurus phase, so far we have seen the closure of several major banks in the USA, and the approval of a US Government $700 billion 'bail-out' bill to try and prevent the US financial system from collapsing.

The Taurus archetype governs (among other things): money, property, land, real-estate, resources, assets, precious metals, etc. It is the archetype that represents the concept of 'value'. It is during a Taurus cycle (or phase) that evolutionary forces help us to become more conscious of our own personal values, as well as the values of others. The Taurus evolutionary influence assists us to increase our sense of self-value by urging us to further develop our personal resources. This often also involves a process of re-evaluation.

During the previous Aries-Taurus [1/1] phase (7-Sept-1861 -to- 7-Jan-1862) the Civil War was exerting a lot of stress on the American economy and there was a rush to purchase gold...

"Cash reserves in New York banks fall in December [1861] to just over $29 million, down from more than $60 million in January. The banks suspend payments in gold December 30, all U.S. banks immediately follow suit, and they will not redeem paper money for metal currency (specie) until 1879 (see Legal Tender Act, 1862)."

"The U.S. monetary system "is unfitted for a commercial country like ours," laments Secretary of the Treasury Hugh McCulloch (see 1842; Coinage Act, 1792). Banks suspended specie payment at the end of last year [1861], more than 1,600 financial institutions are printing money, more than half the paper money in circulation is counterfeit, people distrust such currency, it is heavily discounted by banks and merchants, and ordinary citizens hoard gold and silver coins."

"After December 28, 1861 a worsening economic situation forced banks to stop redeeming Demand Notes for gold coin. The notes then began to appear at Assistant Treasurers' offices in great numbers for redemption."

The current Aries-Taurus [1/1] phase is (I believe) a 'foretaste' of the future World Taurus cycle that will follow our present Aries cycle. The new Taurus cycle begins in the year 2015 CE.

TAURUS Cycles (7 years)
7-Sept-1868 -to- 7-Sept-1875
7-Sept-2015 -to- 7-Sept-2022

The previous World Taurus cycle (7-Sept-1868 -to- 7-Sept-1875) saw the 'Panic of 1873' and the beginning of the 'Long Depression' (1873-1879)...

"The Panic of 1873 was the start of the Long Depression, a severe nationwide economic depression in the United States that lasted until 1879. It was precipitated by the bankruptcy of the Philadelphia banking firm Jay Cooke on September 18, 1873, following the crash on May 9, 1873 of the Vienna Stock Exchange in Austria (the so-called Grunderkrach or "founders' crash"). It was one of a series of economic crises in the 19th and early 20th centuries."

"In September 1873, the American economy entered a crisis. This followed a period of post Civil War economic over-expansion that arose from the Northern railroad boom. It came at the end of a series of economic setbacks: the Black Friday panic of 1869, the Chicago fire of 1871, the outbreak of equine influenza in 1872, and the demonetization of silver in 1873.

The Black Friday panic was caused by the attempt of Jay Gould and Jim Fisk to corner the gold market in 1869. They were prevented from doing so by the decision of the administration of President Ulysses S. Grant to release government gold for sale. The drive culminated in a day of panic when thousands were ruined—Friday, September 24, 1869, popularly called Black Friday. There was great indignation against the perpetrators..."

"...a day of panic when thousands were ruined—Friday, September 24, 1869, popularly called Black Friday..."

Taurus-Virgo [1/4]
7 September 1869 -to- 7 January 1870
"...the crash on May 9, 1873 of the Vienna Stock Exchange in Austria..."

Taurus-Mars [3/1]
7 May 1873 -to- 7 September 1873

"...the Long Depression...was precipitated by the bankruptcy of the Philadelphia banking firm Jay Cooke on September 18, 1873..."

Taurus-Saturn [3/2]
7 September 1873 -to- 7 January 1874
Note: The Taurus-Saturn [3/2] phase shares the same astrological archetypes as the tarot card '7 Coins'. This card is commonly associated with material hardship.

These are three phases to make a note of! They will recur during our future Taurus cycle...

Taurus-Virgo [1/4]
7 September 2016 -to- 7 January 2017
Taurus-Mars [3/1]
7 May 2020 -to- 7 September 2020
Taurus-Saturn [3/2]
7 September 2020 -to- 7 January 2021

Here is a link to a very interesting article available online that compares the 'Panic of 1873' to our current (2008) evolving World economic situation...

The Real Great Depression
[The depression of 1929 is the wrong model for the current economic crisis]


If history repeats, then it looks like the financial crisis currently being experienced by the USA is merely a prelude to a greater economic downturn that will commence around the year 2015 (i.e. near the beginning of the seven year Taurus cycle) and continue for several years thereafter.

Patrick. [October, 2008]

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Jacob's Wheel : The World : Aries-Mercury [3/7]

The "World" (meaning "Collective Humanity") recently entered its Aries-Mercury [3/7] four-month phase...

Aries-Mercury [3/7]
Start : 7 May 2015
End : 7 September 2015

This is the final phase of the World's Aries seven-year cycle. This cycle only occurs once every 147 years. (The next cycle is the seven-year Taurus cycle.)

The full equation of this phase is:

Aries-Mercury [3/7] Mercury + Libra + Capricorn 

Aries is a "god of war" and Mercury is a "god of communication".

Because Collective Humanity is primarily focused in the astral and lower mental planes of Awareness, these Jacob's Wheel phases usually involve challenging experiences aimed at raising our collective awareness to higher levels.

This combination of archetypes suggests the possibility of some harsh or threatening communications between partners and associates. And some deception is always possible on the 7th spoke of the Wheel.

The 7th spoke is challenging because it requires a certain degree of spiritual awareness in order to avoid the more painful possibilities of the phase. When we are working with the 7th spoke the issue is how strongly we are influenced by illusion and/or delusion. When see illusion as "reality" of course we react as if it were real. This can mean that we act on our paranoid fears.

Deceit and deception are common symptoms of delusional thinking. This can cause all sorts of problems that ultimately lead to exposure of the truth, and confrontation with reality (which is a good thing).

Some keywords and phrases for this phase: political conflict, argument, debate, discussion, threats, talk of war, sudden exposure causing controversy, leadership squabbles, back-stabbing, damaging leaks, whistle-blowing.

The important thing to realize when working with the 7th spoke is that our rational mind is vulnerable to deception and illusion, but that our intuitive mind can see through it if we can focus our consciousness at that high level of awareness. If so, we can avoid the potential turmoil of the 7th spoke.

A particularly powerful one-month period that occurs during the Aries-Mercury [3/7] four-month phase is...

Saturn-Pluto [3/5]
Start : 7 June 2015
End : 7 July 2015

The full equation is:

Saturn-Pluto [3/5] Pluto + Gemini + Sun

Be on the lookout for leadership changes and challenges, and possibly the death of leaders. This is also a phase of powerful expression of authority... sometimes even "oppression". It might involve control of the internet and/or other forms of communications (Gemini).

Monday, May 25, 2015

Tarto - A Tarot Card Game

TARTO : A Tarot Game
Created by Patrick Mulcahy.


2-4 players. (Note: Players can play in teams of two.)

One 78 card tarot deck.

A knowledge of the astrological attributions of the 78 tarot cards.


Player One deals each player 7 cards and places the remaining deck face-down in the centre of the table.

Player Two starts by picking up an extra card from the deck and then (optionally) tabling one or more major cards with stacked minor cards, face up in front of them.

The next player does likewise.


The game ends when one player has no cards left in their hand. Each player adds up the number of cards in their card stacks, and subtracts the number of cards left in their hand, and the winner is the one who has the most cards (see SCORING below).


Major cards are always tabled first and then minor cards of the same zodiacal or planetary "suit" are stacked on top of them. These actions can all be done in each player's turn. Players can put cards on each other’s stacks (this is usually done when a player is ending the game by tabling all their cards).

The four Aces are "elemental" and can be put on any major card of the same element - Fire, Water, Air, or Earth.

The four Pages combine all three zodiacal signs of one element and (like the Aces) can be put on any major card stack of the same element. (Eg. the Ace and Page of Wands/Fire can be put on any major card that represents a Fire sign - Emperor, Strength, or Temperance.)

The most challenging cards to get rid of are the twelve court cards: Kings, Queens, and Knights. That's because they can only be placed on the one major card that corresponds with their own zodiacal attributions. For example, the King of Wands (Aries) can only be placed on the Emperor (Aries), the King of Swords on Justice, etc.

Because most minor cards have both a planet and a zodiacal sign attribution they can be placed on top of one of two major cards. For example, the Two of Wands (Mars in Aries) can be placed on top of the Tower (Mars) or the Emperor (Aries).


At the end of the game each player counts the number of cards in their own card stacks. The winner is the player who owns the most cards. A player owns a stack if s/he tabled the original major card that started the stack. The players also subtract from their card total the number of cards left in their hands at the end of the game.


The 22 Astrological Tarot Trumps

When interpreting the tarot cards... In my experience, the 22 tarot trumps represent major creative-evolutionary cycles that the querent is experiencing. These cycles are usually linked to astrological influences active in the querent's life. So, for example, the FOOL card is often linked to an important Uranus influence that is associated with either transiting Uranus or a major transit to natal Uranus. Linking the tarot trumps to astrological events in this way also assists with determining the timing of events (i.e. that are suggested in a tarot reading). Take note of the dates of the exact alignments of the querent's Uranus transits to get a general indication of timing.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Israel's 2015 Elections

Israel's 2015 elections on the 17th March 2015 were fascinating. PM Netanyahu had transiting Uranus opposing, and transiting Pluto squaring his natal Neptune. Also, the lunar eclipse on the 4th April was precisely conjunct his natal Neptune. So, Neptune was/is a huge focus in his chart.

Ugly truths played a major role in Netanyahu's win when he played on Jewish racism against Arabs to drum up support that enabled him to win at the last minute. He also surprisingly declared that there would never be a Palestinian state while he was leader of Israel. Many people already suspected that he had been insincere in his previously expressed desire for a two-state solution, and that he had concealed it over the years and merely pretended to work towards it.

Now he finds himself lumbered with an ultra-orthodox Jewish religious right-wing coalition government. It's a fascinating and still-unfolding political drama.,_2015

Australia Threatens To Kill Johnny Depp's Dogs

"Johnny Depp allegedly snuck his two dogs into Australia -- and if he doesn't send them home by Saturday, they'll face the doggie death penalty.

"Mr. Depp has to either take his dogs back to California, or we're going to have to euthanize them," Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce said in a video posted online by ABC Australia." Link


Brief Comment: I think that Mr Depp is basically being challenged by his natal Saturn in Aquarius placement. Saturn rules Capricorn in his 6th House of Work and General Daily Activities. Mr Depp is being urged to further integrate his natal Saturn into his consciousness. This would lead to a greater sense of responsibility within the wider community. Transiting Pluto conjuncting his Moon in Capricorn is feeding back to his natal Saturn, thereby contributing to his evolutionary Saturn process. This transit is very challenging and likely to be quite emotionally disturbing.

First Air Warfare Destroyer launched at ASC, Osborne - May 22, 2015

This ship was launched during the current Mercury Retrograde period (19th May to 12th June, 2015). The ship's future will be a good case-study for those interested in the effects of Mercury Retrograde.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Israel's Neptune-Moon [2/5] phase - 14 Jan. to 14 May, 2015

Israel's new major Jacob's Wheel phase is:

Neptune-Moon [2/5]
Start : 14 January 2015
End : 14 May 2015

This phase has started with Israel's leader, Netanyahu, calling for European Jews to flee Europe's "antisemitism" and emigrate to Israel. The Moon phase is often about home and family issues, and in mundane astrology the Moon rules the general population of a nation.

The 'bridging archetypes' for this phase are Aquarius and Virgo, so the whole equation looks like this...

Neptune-Moon [2/5] Aquarius + Moon + Virgo

Other issues (besides immigration) likely to arise are: Israeli work security, general health, social security, Israeli housing/settlements, the care of children, maternal issues, etc.
